Septic pump out work can be a performed by any Chester County Health Department (CCHD) approved liquid waste pumper. Most pumpers will record the servicing of your OLDS in a CCHD database. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the property owner to provide proof that the OLDS was pumped and to verify compliance.
The Township implemented the SMP to meet its legal obligation to protect well-water and ensure that no domestic sewage enters the waters of the Commonwealth or endangers human health.
To avoid malfunction, sewage sludge and scum should never fill more than about 30% of a septic tank. An OLDS appropriately designed for the home it serves will reach that standard in about three years. Thus, our sewage management ordinance sets a three-year cycle of pump-outs and inspections. Click here for an On-lot Sewage System Owners Manual.
A lack of adequate maintenance is the leading cause of system failure. A few hundred dollars for a full OLDS service can prevent the cost (now approaching $15-20 thousand) of installing a replacement OLDS when the existing system fails. If the capacity of your tank exceeds the needs of your home or you had the tank pumped last year, you may apply for a one-year waiver based on professional certification.
Our community expects each of us to take basic steps to protect our families, neighbors and the environment from household wastewater pollution. The Township will reach out to households that fail to meet the December 31 deadline. Section 13 of the On-lot Sewage Management Program Ordinance provides for fines and legal sanctions for property owners who fail to comply with the requirements of the sewage management plan. CCHD provides sewage enforcement services for the Township. Our Sewage Enforcement Officer is Austin Abernethy, (610) 344-6519.